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Congrats on your booking!

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

(Although we’ve really just begun) Based on your experience so far, are you going to do another show with us after this one?

"I'm Absolutely NOT Doing Another Show!!""I'm Unlikely To Do Another Show""I'm On The Fence About Doing Another Show.""I'm Likely To Do Another Show!""I'm ABSOLUTELY Doing Another Show!!"

(Again, although we’ve really just begun) How likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or another artist?

"Absolutely Never!!""I'm Unlikely To!""I'm Not Sure.""I'm Probably Would!""I Absolutely Would! Just Show Me Where To Send Them!!"

How satisfied are you with the overall service provided so far?

"Extremely Unsatisfied""Unsatisfied""Mediocre""Very Satisifed""Extremely Satisfied"
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